Saturday 22 September 2018


                                SUBMITTED TO: SMITHA TEACHER
                                SUBMITTED ON: 22/08/17

                                                                             SUBMITTED BY,
                                                                                            B.Ed Physical Science
                                                                                                 F.M.T.C ,Mylapore

                     Text book- Qualities, Vogel’s criteria
                                          Fog index
Text book that are intended to be used should be useful for the students as well as teachers. They should be so designed that on the one hand they may be written according to the psychological requirements of the students and on the other they should serve the purpose of the teacher who wish to impart knowledge to the students in a successful and interesting manner. The size of the books should be handy. It should be possible for the students to carry them properly. They should not be bulky. This is especially true about books intended for the primary classes. Printing and getup of the books should be interesting and attractive. They should be printed in the letters that they do not require strain on the eyes of the students. On the other hand they should be correctly and neat printed. The exterior of the picture should be attractive. If the exterior is attractive, students would like to carry them and keep them. This is true of the books intended for primary classes. They should serve the purpose of the subject matter as well as the aims and objects of the teaching. Various score cards and check lists have been devised to make the selection of text books as objective as possible.

In the teaching- learning processes, the text book occupies and important place. There is a saying “As is the text book, so is the teaching and learning”. A good text book can even replace class room teaching. The science text book should aim at aiding the pupils in the development of their personalities, in developing open mindedness, developing appreciation and understanding of nature and not merely stuffing their minds with facts.
Characteristics of a Good Text book:
Thurber and Collette (1964) suggested six criteria for choosing a good text book. They are as follows.
1.      Content
2.      Organaization
3.      Literary style and vocabulary
4.      Illustrations
5.      Teaching aids
6.      Mechanical make up and appearance
1. Content:
              The content of text books for any one subject matter field is remarkably uniform, about 85 percent of the content being common to all of them.
·         The content should be appropriate for the age level and experience backgrounds of the pupils.
·         The concepts should not be too complex for maturity of the pupils.
·         The content should be consistent with the pupil’s needs and interests.
·         The content should conform with any state or local syllabi that must be followed.
·         The statements must be accurate.
·         The content should reflect the unknowns and uncertainties in science as well as the knows.
2. Organaization:
                Two distinct types of organaization are seen in school science books.
a)      In the first type using local organaization, concepts and principles are developed in the way that a well educated person must organize them which is usually seen in college texts and in high school physics and chemistry texts.
b)      In the second type using psychological organaization the attempt is made to present the material in the order that would be most meaningful to the pupil’s whom it is designed which is seen in general science and biology texts.
3. Literary style and vocabulary
                    Literary style much to do with the readability of the book. Although style is difficult to judge, some points to be looked for are:
a)      Length of sentences.
b)      Directness of sentences.
c)      Number of ideas per sentence
d)     Use of lead sentences or paragraphs.
e)      Presence or absence of irrelevant thoughts.
f)       Continuity of thought.
While evaluating a text book the teacher must decide whether or not the vocabulary is excessive or in appropriate. Text book should be easy to read.
4. Illustrations:
a)      The quality and quantity of illustration should be considered.
b)      Photographs should be clearly reproduced.
c)      Diagrams should be carefully made attractive.
d)     Color in the illustrations adds to eye appeal and when properly used has considerable teaching value.
e)      The recently introduced transparencies made on plastic sheets are excellent teaching aids but because of cost it can only be used in small quantities in any one book.
f)       Photographs should have relation with content in the text.
5.  Teaching aids:
·         The table of contents and index should be comprehensive.
·         Glossary should be included.
·         Activities should be given at the end of a chapter.
·         Activities should be closely related to content.
6.Mechanical make-up and appearance:
·         Artistic cover.
·         Durability for binding.
·         Size of the book.
·         Good quality of paper.
·         Length of line and size-legible.
·         Attractive over-all experience.
·         Cover design and color should be appending.
·         Ample space to be left between lines to provide for easy in reading.

Qualities of a good text book
1.      The author: A good text book is judged, at face, by the author, his qualification and experience.
2.      Mechanical features of the textbook.
a)      The print and paper used and the binding of the textbook should be attractive. It should be hard and durable.
b)      The printing should be clear, legible and opportunity spaced.
c)      The size of the print, the language and experiments discussed should suit the age of the child and standard of the child.
3.      The subject matter its nature and organaization
a)      The subject matter should be developed as far as possible in psychological sequence. Care must be taken of the mental growth and interest of pupils.
b)      There should be consistency of the subject matter and the text book should satisfy the objectives of science teaching.
c)      Each chapter should begins with a brief introduction and end with a summary.
d)     Subject matter should lead to the inculcation of science attitudes, disciplinary and cultural values.
e)      Each chapter should contain assignments at the end.
f)       During treatment of subject matter, numerical examples should find place where necessary.
g)      Headings and subheadings are given in bold letter.
h)      Each text book should contain detailed table of contents and an index.
                                      Besides these characteristics, the UNESCO planning mission has given some principles of writing text books in U.S.S.R and other countries they are as follows.
·         It should be first of all according to the requirements of the syllabus. It should also help in the improvement of the syllabus.
·         The facts, concepts etc, should be modern and with in the comprehension of the pupils.

                                                                   Another kind score card, designed to speed up the process of evaluation, is the “spot check” method illustrated by Vogel Louis F known as ‘Vogel’s spot check evaluation scale’. Cited Thurber and Collete (1964), on this score card, each item has been assigned a maximum value of two points. The value of each item under each head is totaled against the part score. The part scores of each head are then counted and the over all value is written against the space for partial score.
Text book ………………………………..
Copy right year………………………….
1.      Qualification of Author
a.       The author has taught the subject about which he is writing ( ).
b.      The author has received assistance from specialists in preparing his manuscripts ( ).
c.       The author holds advanced degrees in related fields ( ).
d.      The author’s point of view, theory or philosophy is in harmony with that of my school ( ).
                                                                                                 Partial score……………..........
2.      Organaization [See table contents, the preface, the section headings through one unit and the end of the chapter.]
a)      There is a central theme which correlates the whole text book ( ).
b)      The text book is organized into units which are based on student’s interest and probability of use in every day ( ).
c)      The organization makes use of topics already taught in my school ( ).
d)     Questions and/or problems graded at the end of chapter are graded explicit in difficulty order ( ).

                                                                                            Partial score…………………………

3.      Content [See table of content, index, and five text chapters]
a)      The inductive approach is used where ever possible in introducing a new Topic ( )
b)      The problem solving aspect of science method is stressed ( ).
c)      The author’s style is formal and interesting ( ).
d)     Unfamiliar scientific terms are set in italics or bold face ( ).
                                                                                Partial score……………….

4.      Presentation of  material[See any five introduction to chapters or problems]
a)      The inductive approach is used wherever possible in introducing a new topic( )
b)      The problem solving aspect of scientific method is stressed ( ).
c)      The author’s style is informed and interesting ( ).
d)     Unfamiliar scientific terms are set in italics or bold face ( ).
e)      Important principles are set in italics or bold face ( ).
                                                                               Partial score…………………
5.      Accuracy [Select any five topics in the index and look them up in the text.]
a)      All the items I looked up are on the pages indicated in the index ( ).
b)      The items I looked up are scientifically correct ( ).
c)      Technological expressions are avoided ( ).
d)     Personification is avoided ( ).
e)      No ambiguity is apparent ( ).
                                                                             Partial score…………………
6.      Readability[See any one text page]
a)      The average number of words per sentence is below 21( ).
b)      Sixty percent of the sentences are simple or compound, as opposed to complex ( ).
c)      There are at least four personal references per 100 words ( ).
d)     There is at least one application for each abstract principle ( ).
e)       There are not more than 42 affixes per 100 words ( ).
                                                                       Partial score………………..
7.      Adaptability[See table of contents and any five text pages]
a)      The text book is satisfactory for slow, average and brilliant students ( ).
b)      Students with rural and city backgrounds will find the text useful ( ).
c)      The textbook is arranged so that certain sections can readily be omitted ( ).
d)     The authors treat controversial subjects impartially ( ).
e)      In general the text fits my particular community needs ( ).

                                                                                                   Partial score…………

8.      Teaching aids[See end of chapters, appendix and teacher’s manual]
a)      Summaries, questions and problems at the ends of chapters are adequate ( ).
b)      References for teachers and students are annotated ( ).
c)      Appendix materials are pertinent and useful ( ).
d)     The teacher’s manual is more than an answer book ( ).
e)      An annotated up to date film list is provided ( ).
                                                                  Partial score…………………
9.      Illustrations(See any 10 illustrations)
a)      The illustrations are relatively modern ( ).
b)      The photographic reproductions are large and clear ( ).
c)      The line cuts are well drawn and adequately labeled ( ).
d)      The figures are tied into the textual material by direct reference ( ).
e)      The legends under the illustrations are useful learning devices ( ).
                                                                  Partial score……………………..
10.  Appearance [See over and leaf through the text.]
a)      The appearance of the cover is attractive ( ).
b)      The size and shape of the text book would not be a handicap to students ( )
c)      The placement of the illustrations is pleasing ( ).
d)      The design of most pages is open, rather than crowded ( ).
e)      The size of the type makes for easy reading ( ).
                                                                     Partial score…………………
                                                                 In linguistics, the gunning fog index is a readability test for English writing. The index estimates the years of formal education a person needs to understand the text on the first reading.
                                                        The fog index is commonly used to confirm the text can be read easily by the intended audience. Texts for a wide audience generally need a fog index less than 12.
Texts requiring near universal

Fog index

Reading level by grade
College graduate
College senior
College junior
College sophomore
College freshman
High school senior
High school junior
High school sophomore
High school freshman
Eighth grade
Seventh grade
Sixth grade

                                               The gunning fog index is calculated with the following algorithm.
1.      Select a passage (Such as one or more full paragraph) of around 100 words. Do not omit any sentences.
2.      Determine the average   sentence length. (Divide the number of words by the number of sentences) ;
3.      Count the “Complex” words: those with three or more syllabus. Do not include proper nouns, familiar jargon or compound words. Do not include common suffixes. (Such as –es,-ed or –ing) as a   syllable;
4.      Add the average sentence length and the percentage of complex words; and.
5.      Multiply the result by 0.4.
The complete formula is:
                0.4[(words/sentences)+100(complex words/words)]
While the fog index is a good sign of hard to read text, it has limits. Not all complex words are difficult. For example, “interesting” is not generally though to be a difficult word, though it has four syllables. A short word can be difficult if it is not used very often by most people. The frequency with which words are in normal use affects the readability a text. Some continue to point out that a series of simple, short sentences does not mean that the reading is easier. In some works such as gibbon’s. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; the fog scores using the old and revised algorithms differ greatly.

                                                    According to the American Association for the Advance of science (AAAs), there is evidence that science teachers use textbooks as the primary teaching tool. In order for science text books to fulfill their functions as primary educational resources, they must have a certain set of qualities and characteristics. Text books that are poorly designed can inhibit learning and turn children off of subjects they might otherwise embrace. The whole content of the textbook should be aimed at shaping the integrated modern scientific outlook. Which ensures success in mastering scientific knowledge and solution of the problems of vital issues. The content should be simple brief, exact, define and accessible.

1.      Dr.T.K.Mathew & Dr.T.M.Molykutty (2017) Theoretical bases of teaching and pedagogic analysis, Rainbow books publishers.
Division of NOMA enterprises, chengannur.
2.      Dr. k.Sivaragan & prof.A.Faziluddin?(2006) Methodology of teaching and pedagogic analysis, central co-operative stores Ltd.No4347.p.o Calicut university.

Corrected by
      Smitha I G
      Assistant Professor in Physical Science
      F.M.T.C, Mylapore

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